モカ: Hey, Honey! Guess what? I just got the job at the marketing firm!
ハニー: No way! That’s amazing! You must be over the moon right now!
モカ: I really am! But I’m also a bit nervous. It feels like I’m jumping into the deep end.
ハニー: Totally understandable! Starting a new job can be a bit overwhelming. Just take it one step at a time.
モカ: Right! And I heard my boss, Mr. Thompson, can be a tough cookie. I hope I can keep up with him.
ハニー: You’ll be fine! Just remember to ask questions if you’re unsure. It’s better to ask than to assume.
モカ: Good point! I’ll keep that in mind. Plus, I met a few colleagues during the interview, and they seemed really friendly.
ハニー: That’s a good sign! Building a good rapport with your coworkers can make all the difference. You’ll fit right in!
モカ: ねえ、ハニー!聞いて!マーケティング会社に就職が決まったよ!
ハニー: うそ!すごいじゃん!今、めっちゃ嬉しいでしょ!
モカ: 本当にそうなんだけど、ちょっと緊張もしてる。深いところに飛び込むみたいな感じ。
ハニー: それは理解できるよ!新しい仕事を始めるのはちょっと圧倒されるよね。少しずつ進めばいいよ。
モカ: そうだね!それに、私の上司のトンプソンさんは厳しい人だって聞いたから、ついていけるか不安だな。
ハニー: 大丈夫だよ!もし不安なことがあったら質問することを忘れないでね。推測するより聞いた方がいいから。
モカ: 確かに!それを心に留めておくよ。それに、面接のときに何人かの同僚に会ったけど、みんなすごく優しそうだった。
ハニー: それはいい兆しだね!同僚との良い関係を築くことが大切だよ。すぐに溶け込めるよ!
Over the moon
- Meaning: Extremely happy or delighted.
- 意味: 非常に幸せであること。
- Similar expressions: "On cloud nine," "in seventh heaven."
- Example: After receiving the award, she was over the moon with joy.
Jumping into the deep end
- Meaning: To start a new and challenging situation without preparation.
- 意味: 準備なしに新しい困難な状況に飛び込むこと。
- Similar expressions: "Diving in headfirst," "taking the plunge."
- Example: When he started his own business, he felt like he was jumping into the deep end.
A tough cookie
- Meaning: A person who is strong and resilient, able to handle difficult situations.
- 意味: 強くてたくましい人、困難な状況をうまく対処できる人。
- Similar expressions: "Strong-willed," "hard-nosed."
- Example: Despite the challenges, she's a tough cookie who never gives up.
Take it one step at a time
- Meaning: To approach a task or situation gradually, without rushing.
- 意味: 物事を急がず、段階的に進めること。
- Similar expressions: "Step by step," "one day at a time."
- Example: When learning a new language, it's best to take it one step at a time.
Better to ask than to assume
- Meaning: It is preferable to seek clarification rather than make incorrect assumptions.
- 意味: 誤った仮定をするよりも、確認を求める方が良い。
- Similar expressions: "Don't assume, just ask," "clarity is key."
- Example: If you're unsure about the instructions, remember it's better to ask than to assume.
Building a good rapport
- Meaning: Establishing a positive and trusting relationship with others.
- 意味: 他者との良好で信頼できる関係を築くこと。
- Similar expressions: "Creating a connection," "establishing trust."
- Example: Building a good rapport with clients can lead to long-term business relationships.