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モカ: Hey Honey, have you ever wondered what makes people tick? I’ve been diving deep into photography lately, and it’s like unlocking a whole new world for me.

ハニー: That sounds fascinating! What drew you to photography in the first place?

モカ: Well, I’ve always had an eye for detail, but it wasn’t until I attended a gallery opening last summer that I really got the itch. The way those images told stories—it was like they were speaking to me.

ハニー: I can totally see that! It’s amazing how a single frame can capture a moment in time. What’s your favorite thing to shoot?

モカ: Honestly, I’m all about street photography. There’s something magical about capturing candid moments of everyday life. It’s like being a fly on the wall, witnessing the beauty in the mundane.

ハニー: That’s a great perspective! Have you had any memorable experiences while out shooting?

モカ: Oh, absolutely! Just the other day, I stumbled upon this elderly couple dancing in the park. It was such a heartwarming sight, and I managed to snap a photo just as they shared a laugh. It felt like I was catching a glimpse of their love story.

ハニー: Wow, that’s incredible! It sounds like you’re not just taking pictures; you’re preserving moments. I’d love to see some of your work!


モカ: ねえハニー、人が何を考えているのかって不思議に思ったことある?最近、写真にどっぷりハマっていて、まるで新しい世界が開けたみたいなんだ。

ハニー: それは面白そう!そもそも、どうして写真に興味を持ったの?

モカ: 実は、細部に目を向けるのは得意だったんだけど、去年の夏にギャラリーのオープニングに行ってから、本格的に興味が湧いたんだ。あの写真たちが物語を語る様子は、まるで私に話しかけているみたいだった。

ハニー: それ、すごくわかる!一瞬を切り取ることができるなんて、素晴らしいよね。何を撮るのが一番好きなの?

モカ: 正直、ストリートフォトが大好きなんだ。日常生活の自然な瞬間を捉えるのには、特別な魔法があると思う。まるで壁の虫になったみたいに、普通の中にある美しさを目撃する感じ。

ハニー: それは素敵な視点だね!撮影中に印象に残った経験はあった?

モカ: もちろん!この前、公園で踊っているお年寄りのカップルを見つけたんだ。すごく心温まる光景で、彼らが笑い合った瞬間に写真を撮ることができたの。まるで彼らの愛の物語を垣間見た気分だった。

ハニー: わあ、それは素晴らしいね!ただ写真を撮るだけじゃなくて、瞬間を保存しているんだね。あなたの作品をぜひ見てみたいな!


What makes people tick

  • Meaning: This phrase refers to the underlying motivations or reasons behind people's behavior or actions.
  • 意味: 人々の行動や行動の背後にある動機や理由を指す表現。
  • Similar expressions: "What drives people," "What motivates people."
  • Example: Understanding what makes people tick can help in building better relationships.

Got the itch

  • Meaning: This expression means to develop a strong desire or urge to do something, often after being inspired or exposed to it.
  • 意味: 何かをしたいという強い欲望や衝動が芽生えることを意味する表現。
  • Similar expressions: "Caught the bug," "Got the urge."
  • Example: After watching a cooking show, I really got the itch to try new recipes.

Speaking to me

  • Meaning: This phrase indicates that something resonates deeply with a person, evoking an emotional or personal connection.
  • 意味: 何かが深く共鳴し、感情的または個人的なつながりを呼び起こすことを示す表現。
  • Similar expressions: "Resonating with me," "Striking a chord."
  • Example: The lyrics of that song really spoke to me during a tough time.

Fly on the wall

  • Meaning: This idiom describes a situation where someone observes events without being noticed, allowing them to witness things as they truly are.
  • 意味: 誰かが気づかれずに出来事を観察し、物事をありのままに目撃できる状況を表す表現。
  • Similar expressions: "Observer," "In the background."
  • Example: I felt like a fly on the wall during the meeting, listening to everyone's opinions.

Heartwarming sight

  • Meaning: This phrase refers to something that evokes feelings of happiness, warmth, or affection, often related to emotional or nostalgic moments.
  • 意味: 幸せや温かさ、愛情を呼び起こすような、感情的またはノスタルジックな瞬間に関連する表現。
  • Similar expressions: "Touching moment," "Feel-good scene."
  • Example: The reunion of the family was a heartwarming sight that brought tears to my eyes.

Preserving moments

  • Meaning: This expression refers to the act of capturing or keeping significant experiences or memories, often through photography or storytelling.
  • 意味: 重要な経験や思い出を捉えたり保持したりする行為を指す表現。
  • Similar expressions: "Capturing memories," "Saving moments."
  • Example: She loves preserving moments from her travels in a scrapbook.

