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モカ: Hey Honey, are you ready to watch the movie with us?

ハニー: Yes! I can't wait! What movie are we watching?

モカ: We're watching that new superhero movie. I heard it's really good!

ハニー: Awesome! I love superheroes! Are we going to make popcorn?

モカ: Of course! You know what they say, “No movie is complete without popcorn!”

ハニー: Right! And I’ll grab some drinks. Should we invite Mom and Dad to join us?

モカ: Great idea! The more, the merrier! Let’s call them.


モカ: ねえ、ハニー、一緒に映画見る準備はできた?

ハニー: はい!待ちきれない!どの映画を見るの?

モカ: 新しいスーパーヒーロー映画を見るよ。すごくいいって聞いた!

ハニー: いいね!スーパーヒーロー大好き!ポップコーン作る?

モカ: もちろん!映画にはポップコーンが欠かせないって言うしね!

ハニー: そうだね!私が飲み物を用意するね。ママとパパも誘う?

モカ: いいアイデア!みんなで見る方が楽しいよ!電話しよう。


I can't wait!

  • Meaning: This expression is used to show excitement or eagerness about something that will happen in the future.
  • 意味: 未来に起こることに対する興奮や待ちきれない気持ちを表現する。
  • Similar expressions: "I'm looking forward to it!", "I can't wait to see it!"
  • Example: I can't wait for my birthday party next week!

No movie is complete without...

  • Meaning: This phrase emphasizes that something is essential for a particular experience or event to be enjoyable or satisfactory.
  • 意味: 特定の体験やイベントを楽しむためには、何かが必須であることを強調する表現。
  • Similar expressions: "You can't have a party without...", "It's not a proper dinner without..."
  • Example: No picnic is complete without a basket of snacks!

The more, the merrier!

  • Meaning: This expression suggests that a situation becomes better or more enjoyable when more people are involved.
  • 意味: より多くの人が関わることで、状況がより良く、楽しくなることを示す表現。
  • Similar expressions: "More people, more fun!", "The more, the better!"
  • Example: Let's invite our friends to the barbecue; the more, the merrier!

