← Back to all posts|新しい場所で友達を作る時




モカ: Hey, Honey! I feel like a fish out of water in this new place. It’s tough to make friends when everything feels so unfamiliar.

ハニー: I totally get that, Mocha. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack sometimes. Have you tried joining any local clubs or groups?

モカ: I thought about it, but I’m worried I’ll just end up standing on the sidelines, you know? I don’t want to be the odd one out.

ハニー: Trust me, everyone feels a bit awkward at first. Just take the plunge! You might be surprised how many people are in the same boat.

モカ: That’s true. I guess I just need to break the ice. Maybe I’ll start with that coffee shop down the street. I hear they have a great open mic night.

ハニー: Sounds like a perfect plan! Who knows? You might strike up a conversation with someone who shares your interests. Just remember, fortune favors the bold!


モカ: ねえ、ハニー!この新しい場所でまるで魚が水から出たみたいな気分だよ。すべてが不慣れで友達を作るのが難しい。

ハニー: その気持ち、すごくわかるよ、モカ。時々、干し草の中から針を探すみたいだよね。地元のクラブやグループに参加してみた?

モカ: 考えたけど、結局は傍観者になっちゃうんじゃないかって心配なんだよね。浮いてしまうのは嫌だし。

ハニー: 信じて、最初はみんなちょっと気まずい感じなんだから。思い切って飛び込んでみて!同じような境遇の人がたくさんいるかもしれないよ。

モカ: 確かにそうだね。まずはアイスブレイクしないと。あの通りのコーヒーショップから始めてみようかな。オープンマイクの夜がすごくいいって聞いたし。

ハニー: それ、完璧なプランだね!もしかしたら、自分の興味を共有する人と会話が始まるかもしれないよ。勇気を出すことを忘れないでね!


Feel like a fish out of water

  • Meaning: To feel uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation.
  • 意味: 特定の状況で居心地が悪い、または場違いに感じること。
  • Similar expressions: "Out of my element," "Like a stranger in a strange land."
  • Example: When I moved to a new city, I felt like a fish out of water at first.

Find a needle in a haystack

  • Meaning: To search for something that is very difficult to find because it is surrounded by many other things.
  • 意味: 多くのものに囲まれていて非常に見つけにくいものを探すこと。
  • Similar expressions: "Searching for a needle in a haystack," "A daunting task."
  • Example: Trying to locate my lost keys in this messy house is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Standing on the sidelines

  • Meaning: To remain uninvolved or inactive in a situation, often while observing others.
  • 意味: 他の人を観察しながら、状況に参加せずにいること。
  • Similar expressions: "Sitting on the fence," "Being an observer."
  • Example: I didn’t want to be standing on the sidelines during the game, so I decided to join the team.

Take the plunge

  • Meaning: To make a decision to do something risky or challenging after much hesitation.
  • 意味: ためらった後にリスクのあることや挑戦的なことをする決断をすること。
  • Similar expressions: "Take a leap of faith," "Go for it."
  • Example: After months of thinking about it, she finally took the plunge and started her own business.

In the same boat

  • Meaning: To be in the same difficult situation as someone else.
  • 意味: 他の人と同じ困難な状況にいること。
  • Similar expressions: "In the same situation," "In the same predicament."
  • Example: We’re all in the same boat when it comes to preparing for the final exams.

Break the ice

  • Meaning: To initiate conversation in a social setting, making people feel more comfortable.
  • 意味: 社交の場で会話を始めて、人々をより快適にさせること。
  • Similar expressions: "Get the ball rolling," "Warm up the conversation."
  • Example: He told a joke to break the ice at the party.

Fortune favors the bold

  • Meaning: People who take risks are often rewarded.
  • 意味: リスクを取る人がしばしば報われること。
  • Similar expressions: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," "He who dares wins."
  • Example: She decided to apply for the job, believing that fortune favors the bold.

