モカ: You know, I’ve been mulling over my future lately. It feels like I’m at a crossroads, and I’m not sure which path to take.
ハニー: I totally get that. It’s like standing at the edge of a cliff, peering into the abyss. What’s been on your mind?
モカ: Well, I’ve been thinking about whether to pursue a career in marketing or dive headfirst into graphic design. They both have their perks, but I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket.
ハニー: That’s a wise approach! Have you thought about what truly lights your fire? Sometimes, following your passion can lead to unexpected opportunities.
モカ: You’re right. I mean, I love creating visually stunning content, but I also enjoy strategizing campaigns. It’s a tough nut to crack!
ハニー: Maybe you could find a way to marry the two! A hybrid role could be the perfect solution. Plus, it would give you a leg up in the job market.
モカ: That’s a brilliant idea! I could leverage my design skills in marketing. It’s like killing two birds with one stone! I just hope I don’t end up biting off more than I can chew.
ハニー: Just take it one step at a time. You’ve got plenty of time to figure it out. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!
モカ: 最近、自分の未来について考え込んでるんだ。まるで岐路に立っているみたいで、どの道を選べばいいのかわからない。
ハニー: それ、わかるよ。崖の端に立って、深淵を覗き込んでいるような感じだね。何を考えているの?
モカ: うーん、マーケティングのキャリアを追求するか、グラフィックデザインに飛び込むか悩んでるんだ。どちらにも魅力があるけど、一つのことに集中しすぎたくないんだ。
ハニー: それは賢い考えだね!本当に情熱を感じることについて考えたことはある?時には、自分の情熱を追いかけることで予期しないチャンスが生まれることもあるよ。
モカ: そうだね。視覚的に素晴らしいコンテンツを作るのが好きだけど、キャンペーンを戦略的に考えるのも楽しんでる。なかなか難しいね!
ハニー: もしかしたら、両方を組み合わせる方法があるかも!ハイブリッドな役割が完璧な解決策になるかもしれないよ。それに、就職市場でも有利になるね。
モカ: それ、いいアイデアだね!マーケティングでデザインスキルを活かせるかもしれない。まさに一石二鳥!ただ、あまり無理しないようにしたいな。
ハニー: 一歩ずつ進んでいけば大丈夫だよ。考える時間はたくさんあるからね。ローマは一日にして成らずって言うし!
At a crossroads
- Meaning: This phrase refers to a point in life where one must make a significant decision between different options or paths.
- 意味: 人生の中で、異なる選択肢や道の間で重要な決断をしなければならない時期を指す。
- Similar expressions: "At a turning point," "Facing a dilemma"
- Example: After graduating from college, I found myself at a crossroads, deciding whether to pursue further studies or start working.
Put all my eggs in one basket
- Meaning: This expression means to risk everything on a single venture or decision, rather than diversifying one's options.
- 意味: 一つの事業や決定に全てを賭けることで、選択肢を広げずにリスクを取ることを指す。
- Similar expressions: "Risk it all," "Bet the farm"
- Example: I decided to invest in several smaller companies instead of just one because I didn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket.
Lights your fire
- Meaning: This phrase means something that excites or motivates someone, often related to their passions or interests.
- 意味: 誰かを興奮させたり、やる気を引き出したりするものを指し、しばしばその人の情熱や興味に関連している。
- Similar expressions: "Ignites your passion," "Fires you up"
- Example: Traveling to new countries really lights my fire and inspires my creativity.
Tough nut to crack
- Meaning: This idiom refers to a problem or situation that is difficult to understand or resolve.
- 意味: 理解したり解決したりするのが難しい問題や状況を指す。
- Similar expressions: "Hard nut to crack," "Difficult challenge"
- Example: Solving this mathematical equation is a tough nut to crack for many students.
Killing two birds with one stone
- Meaning: This expression means to accomplish two tasks with a single effort or action.
- 意味: 一つの行動で二つの目標を達成することを指す。
- Similar expressions: "Achieve two goals at once," "Double duty"
- Example: By studying while commuting, I’m killing two birds with one stone.
Biting off more than I can chew
- Meaning: This idiom means to take on a task that is too big or difficult to handle.
- 意味: 自分が対処できないほど大きなまたは難しい仕事を引き受けることを指す。
- Similar expressions: "Overextending oneself," "Taking on too much"
- Example: I think I might be biting off more than I can chew by volunteering for three projects at once.
Rome wasn’t built in a day
- Meaning: This phrase suggests that significant achievements take time and cannot be completed quickly.
- 意味: 大きな成果は時間がかかり、急いでは達成できないことを示唆している。
- Similar expressions: "Patience is a virtue," "Good things take time"
- Example: Learning a new language is challenging, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.