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モカ: Hey, ハニー! I’ve been thinking about my money lately. I really need to take a good look at how I spend it.

ハニー: That sounds like a smart idea, モカ. You know what they say, “A penny saved is a penny earned!”

モカ: Exactly! I feel like I’m throwing money away on things I don’t really need.

ハニー: I get that. Sometimes it’s easy to spend without thinking. Have you thought about making a budget?

モカ: Yeah, I was thinking of writing down my expenses. Maybe then I can see where my money goes.

ハニー: That’s a great plan! You might find some surprises. Like, you could be spending too much on coffee or takeout.

モカ: You’re right! I love my coffee, but it adds up. I should try making it at home more often.

ハニー: For sure! Plus, it’s nice to save some cash for fun things, like going out with friends.

モカ: Good point! I’ll start keeping track this week. Thanks for the advice, ハニー!


モカ: ねえ、ハニー!最近お金のことを考えてたんだ。ちゃんと使い方を見直さなきゃ。

ハニー: それはいいアイデアだね、モカ。よく言われることだけど、「節約した一銭は稼いだ一銭」ってね!

モカ: その通り!必要ないものにお金を無駄にしてる気がする。

ハニー: わかるよ。考えずに使っちゃうことってあるよね。予算を立てることについて考えた?

モカ: うん、支出をメモしようと思ってる。そうすればお金がどこに行ってるか見えるかも。

ハニー: それはいい計画だね!驚くことがあるかもしれないよ。例えば、コーヒーやテイクアウトにお金を使いすぎてるかもしれない。

モカ: そうだね!コーヒーが大好きだけど、結構な額になるよね。もっと家で作るようにしようかな。

ハニー: その通り!それに、友達と出かけるためにお金を節約するのもいいよね。

モカ: いい指摘だね!今週から記録をつけ始めるよ。アドバイスありがとう、ハニー!


A penny saved is a penny earned!

  • Meaning: This phrase means that saving money is just as valuable as earning money. It emphasizes the importance of saving rather than spending.
  • 意味: お金を貯めることはお金を稼ぐことと同じくらい価値があるという意味です。支出よりも貯蓄の重要性を強調しています。
  • Similar expressions: “Save for a rainy day,” “Every little bit helps.”
  • Example: If you save a small amount each week, by the end of the year, you will have a nice sum saved up. A penny saved is a penny earned!

Throwing money away

  • Meaning: This expression refers to spending money on things that are unnecessary or wasteful.
  • 意味: 必要ないものや無駄なものにお金を使うことを指します。
  • Similar expressions: “Burning money,” “Squandering money.”
  • Example: Buying the latest smartphone every year feels like throwing money away when my current one works perfectly.

Making a budget

  • Meaning: This phrase means creating a plan for how to spend and save money over a specific period, usually monthly.
  • 意味: 特定の期間(通常は月単位)にお金をどのように使い、貯めるかの計画を立てることを指します。
  • Similar expressions: “Creating a financial plan,” “Setting a spending limit.”
  • Example: Making a budget helped me understand my spending habits and identify areas where I could save.

Keeping track

  • Meaning: This expression means to monitor or record something regularly so that you can stay informed about it.
  • 意味: 定期的に何かを監視または記録して、そのことについて把握しておくことを指します。
  • Similar expressions: “Monitoring,” “Logging.”
  • Example: I started keeping track of my daily expenses to see where I could cut back on spending.

Add up

  • Meaning: This phrase means to accumulate or increase in amount, often referring to costs or expenses that can become significant over time.
  • 意味: ある金額が累積する、または増加することを指し、特に時間が経つにつれて重要になる費用を指します。
  • Similar expressions: “Cumulatively increase,” “Total to a significant amount.”
  • Example: The small purchases may seem insignificant, but they really add up over a month.
