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こんにちは、英語学習者の皆さん!🌟 資格試験を受ける時って、緊張や不安がつきものですよね。でも、そんな時こそ、英語でのコミュニケーションスキルを磨くチャンスです!試験の準備をしながら、英語での会話も楽しんでしまいましょう。今日は、モカとハニーの会話を通して、試験に役立つ表現を学んでいきますよ。



モカ: Hey, ハニー! Are you ready for the big test tomorrow?

ハニー: Not really! I’m feeling a bit nervous. What if I mess up?

モカ: Don’t worry! Just take a deep breath. You’ve studied hard, and you know your stuff!

ハニー: I hope so! I just want to pass and not be left in the dust like last time.

モカ: Remember, it’s not the end of the world. If you don’t pass, you can always try again.

ハニー: True! I guess I just need to keep my head up and give it my best shot.

モカ: Exactly! And if you need a little boost, I’ll be right here cheering you on!


モカ: ねえ、ハニー!明日の大事なテストの準備はできてる?

ハニー: あんまり…ちょっと緊張してる。もし失敗したらどうしよう?

モカ: 心配しないで!深呼吸して。頑張って勉強したし、ちゃんと分かってるよ!

ハニー: そうだといいな!ただ合格したいし、前回みたいに置いていかれたくない。

モカ: 大丈夫、世界の終わりじゃないよ。もし合格できなくても、また挑戦すればいいんだから。

ハニー: 確かに!やっぱり前向きに考えて、全力を尽くさなきゃね。

モカ: その通り!もし少し励ましが必要だったら、私はここで応援してるからね!


Take a deep breath

  • Meaning: To pause and inhale deeply to calm oneself, often used to relieve stress or anxiety.
  • 意味: 深呼吸をして心を落ち着けること。
  • Similar expressions: "Calm down," "Relax."
  • Example: Before giving her presentation, she took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

Left in the dust

  • Meaning: To be left behind or forgotten, especially when others advance or succeed.
  • 意味: 置き去りにされること、特に他の人が成功する中で。
  • Similar expressions: "Left behind," "Outpaced."
  • Example: He felt left in the dust when his friends all got promotions at work.

It’s not the end of the world

  • Meaning: A phrase used to reassure someone that a situation is not as bad as it seems, and that there are opportunities for recovery or improvement.
  • 意味: 状況がそれほど悪くないことを安心させるための表現。
  • Similar expressions: "There’s always a chance," "You can always try again."
  • Example: When she failed the exam, her teacher reminded her that it’s not the end of the world and encouraged her to retake it.

Keep your head up

  • Meaning: To remain positive and hopeful, especially in difficult situations.
  • 意味: 難しい状況でも前向きでいること。
  • Similar expressions: "Stay positive," "Keep smiling."
  • Example: Even after losing the game, the coach told the players to keep their heads up and focus on the next match.

Give it my best shot

  • Meaning: To put in maximum effort or try one's hardest at something.
  • 意味: 最善を尽くすこと。
  • Similar expressions: "Do my best," "Try my hardest."
  • Example: I'm going to give it my best shot in the audition, no matter what happens.
