モカ: Wow, can you believe we actually won the award? I thought we were just shooting for the stars!
ハニー: I know, right? It feels like a dream come true! I was convinced we’d be left in the dust, but here we are, holding the trophy!
モカ: It’s a testament to all our hard work. Remember those late nights and endless brainstorming sessions? They really paid off!
ハニー: Absolutely! It just goes to show that when you put your nose to the grindstone, good things come your way. And let’s not forget the incredible support from the team!
モカ: Speaking of which, we should definitely give a shout-out to Jake and Mia. They really went above and beyond to help us out. It’s a team effort, after all!
ハニー: For sure! Let’s make sure to thank them in our acceptance speech. After all, we’re all in the same boat, and this award is as much theirs as it is ours!
モカ: わあ、私たちが本当に賞を受賞したなんて信じられる?ただの夢を見ているのかと思ってたよ!
ハニー: そうだよね?まるで夢が叶ったみたい!私たちが取り残されると思ってたけど、ここにいるなんて、トロフィーを持ってるなんて!
モカ: これは私たちの努力の証だよね。あの遅くまでの夜や、終わりのないブレインストーミングセッションを思い出してみて。ほんとうに成果が出たね!
ハニー: その通り!頑張って働けば、良いことが返ってくるってことだよね。そして、チームの素晴らしいサポートも忘れちゃいけない!
モカ: そういえば、ジェイクとミアにも感謝しないとね。彼らは本当に私たちを助けるために尽くしてくれたから。結局、これはチームの成果だもんね!
ハニー: もちろん!受賞スピーチで彼らにも感謝の気持ちを伝えよう。私たちはみんな同じ船に乗っているし、この賞は私たちだけのものじゃないからね!
Shooting for the stars
- Meaning: To aim for a very high goal or to aspire to achieve something great, often with the understanding that success is not guaranteed.
- 意味: 非常に高い目標を目指すこと、または成功が保証されていないことを理解しながら何か偉大なことを達成しようとすること。
- Similar expressions: Aim high, reach for the stars, dream big.
- Example: Even though the project seemed impossible, she decided to shoot for the stars and apply for the prestigious grant.
Left in the dust
- Meaning: To be surpassed or abandoned by others, often in a competitive situation, leading to feelings of being neglected or forgotten.
- 意味: 競争の中で他者に追い越されること、または放置されること。
- Similar expressions: Left behind, outpaced, overshadowed.
- Example: After the new policies were implemented, many employees felt they were left in the dust while their colleagues advanced.
Put your nose to the grindstone
- Meaning: To work hard and diligently, often for a prolonged period, to achieve a goal or complete a task.
- 意味: 目標を達成するために、またはタスクを完了するために、一生懸命に働くこと。
- Similar expressions: Work hard, buckle down, grind away.
- Example: If you want to finish your thesis on time, you'll need to put your nose to the grindstone for the next few months.
Give a shout-out
- Meaning: To publicly acknowledge or express gratitude towards someone, often to recognize their contributions or support.
- 意味: 誰かに公に感謝の意を示すこと、しばしばその人の貢献や支援を認めるために行う。
- Similar expressions: Acknowledge, recognize, give credit to.
- Example: During the meeting, she gave a shout-out to her team for their hard work and dedication.
Go above and beyond
- Meaning: To exceed expectations or do more than what is required or expected in a particular situation.
- 意味: 期待を超えたり、特定の状況で求められている以上のことをすること。
- Similar expressions: Exceed expectations, overdeliver, go the extra mile.
- Example: The volunteers went above and beyond to ensure the event was a success, staying late to clean up and organize everything.
All in the same boat
- Meaning: To be in the same situation or facing the same challenges as others, often implying a sense of unity or shared experience.
- 意味: 他の人と同じ状況にいること、または同じ課題に直面していることを意味し、しばしば団結感や共通の経験を示唆する。
- Similar expressions: In the same situation, sharing the same fate, in this together.
- Example: As we navigate these tough times, remember that we are all in the same boat and need to support each other.
さて、モカとハニーの会話から、感謝の気持ちや喜びを英語で表現する方法を学びましたね!✨ 受賞の瞬間は、ただの成果を祝うだけでなく、周りのサポートへの感謝を伝える大切な機会でもあります。このような表現を使うことで、あなた自身の英語スキルも一段とアップしますよ。