モカ: Hey, ハニー! Did you hear about the new sports team forming at school?
ハニー: Yeah, I heard! Are you thinking of joining?
モカ: I am! I want to give it a shot. It sounds like a lot of fun!
ハニー: That’s the spirit! You never know until you try. What sport are they playing?
モカ: They’re starting a soccer team. I’ve never played before, but I really want to learn.
ハニー: That’s awesome! You’ll pick it up in no time. Besides, practice makes perfect, right?
モカ: Exactly! And I heard that Sarah and Jake are joining too. It’ll be great to have friends on the team!
ハニー: For sure! Teamwork makes the dream work! Let’s go sign up together!
モカ: ねえ、ハニー!学校で新しいスポーツチームができるって聞いた?
ハニー: うん、聞いたよ!参加するつもりなの?
モカ: うん!挑戦してみたいな。楽しそうだし!
ハニー: その意気だね!やってみないとわからないよね。どのスポーツをやるの?
モカ: サッカーチームを始めるんだ。今までやったことはないけど、すごく学びたい!
ハニー: それは素晴らしい!すぐに上達するよ。それに、練習すれば完璧になるしね!
モカ: その通り!それに、サラとジェイクも参加するって聞いたよ。友達がチームにいるといいな!
ハニー: もちろん!チームワークが夢を叶えるんだ!一緒にサインアップしに行こう!
give it a shot
- Meaning: To try something, especially something new or uncertain.
- 意味: 新しいことや不確かなことに挑戦すること。
- Similar expressions: give it a try, take a chance
- Example: I’ve never baked a cake before, but I’m going to give it a shot this weekend.
practice makes perfect
- Meaning: Regular practice helps improve skills and leads to better performance.
- 意味: 定期的な練習はスキルを向上させ、より良い成果をもたらす。
- Similar expressions: repetition is the mother of skill, the more you practice, the better you get
- Example: Don’t worry if you can’t play the piano perfectly yet; remember, practice makes perfect!
teamwork makes the dream work
- Meaning: Working together as a team can help achieve goals more effectively.
- 意味: チームとして協力することで、目標をより効果的に達成できる。
- Similar expressions: together we can achieve more, many hands make light work
- Example: If we all contribute our ideas, we can create a great project. Teamwork makes the dream work!