← Back to all posts|友人と旅行の計画を立てる時




モカ: Hey, ハニー! Have you thought about our trip yet?

ハニー: Yes! I’m super excited! Where do you want to go?

モカ: How about the beach? We could soak up the sun and relax.

ハニー: That sounds great! But we should also think about what to do there. Any ideas?

モカ: We could try surfing! I’ve always wanted to ride the waves.

ハニー: Surfing? That’s a tall order! But I’m up for it if you are.

モカ: Awesome! Let’s not put all our eggs in one basket. We can also explore the local food scene!

ハニー: Perfect! I can already taste the fresh seafood. Let’s make a plan and get this show on the road!


モカ: ねえ、ハニー!旅行のこと考えた?

ハニー: うん!めっちゃ楽しみ!どこに行きたい?

モカ: ビーチはどう?日光浴してリラックスできるよ。

ハニー: いいね!でも、そこで何をするかも考えないとね。アイデアはある?

モカ: サーフィンに挑戦してみない?波に乗ってみたかったんだ。

ハニー: サーフィン?それは結構大変そう!でも、やる気があれば私もやるよ。

モカ: いいね!一つのことだけにこだわらないようにしよう。地元の食べ物も楽しめるし!

ハニー: 完璧!新鮮な海鮮がもう味わえる気がする。計画を立てて、さあ始めよう!


Soak up the sun

  • Meaning: To enjoy being in the sun, often by relaxing outdoors.
  • 意味: 日光を楽しむこと、主に屋外でリラックスすること。
  • Similar expressions: Sunbathe, bask in the sun.
  • Example: After a long winter, I can't wait to soak up the sun at the beach.

That’s a tall order

  • Meaning: A request or task that is difficult to fulfill or achieve.
  • 意味: 実現するのが難しい要求や課題。
  • Similar expressions: A big ask, a tough challenge.
  • Example: Asking him to finish the project in one day is a tall order.

Not put all our eggs in one basket

  • Meaning: To avoid risking everything on a single venture; to diversify one's options.
  • 意味: すべてを一つの事に賭けるのを避けること; 選択肢を多様化すること。
  • Similar expressions: Don't put all your resources in one place, diversify.
  • Example: We should invest in different stocks to not put all our eggs in one basket.

Get this show on the road

  • Meaning: To begin or start an activity or project, especially after planning.
  • 意味: 計画の後に活動やプロジェクトを始めること。
  • Similar expressions: Get started, kick off.
  • Example: After weeks of preparation, it's time to get this show on the road!

