モカ: Hey, Honey! Are you ready to hit the ground running at the sports event this weekend?
ハニー: Absolutely, Mocha! I’ve been counting down the days. I just hope I don’t drop the ball during the relay.
モカ: Don’t sweat it! You’ve been training like a champ. Just remember to keep your eye on the prize and pass that baton smoothly.
ハニー: True, but I’m still a bit nervous. What if I trip over my own feet? I’d be the laughing stock of the team!
モカ: Come on, you won’t be the butt of the joke. Everyone has their off days. Just focus on having fun and giving it your all. That’s what counts!
ハニー: You’re right. I’ll just roll with the punches and enjoy the experience. And if we win, that’ll be the cherry on top!
モカ: ねえ、ハニー!今週末のスポーツイベント、準備はできてる?
ハニー: もちろん、モカ!日を数えて待ってたよ。リレーでボールを落とさないことを願うばかり。
モカ: 心配しないで!あなたはチャンピオンのように練習してきたじゃない。目標をしっかり見据えて、バトンをスムーズに渡すことを忘れないでね。
ハニー: そうなんだけど、ちょっと緊張してるの。自分の足につまずいたらどうしよう?チームの笑い者になっちゃう!
モカ: 大丈夫、あなたが笑いのネタになることはないよ。誰にでも調子が悪い日があるから。楽しむことに集中して、全力を尽くせばそれが大事なんだから!
ハニー: そうだね。流れに身を任せて楽しむことにするよ。そして、もし勝ったら、それが最高のご褒美になるね!
Hit the ground running
- Meaning: To start something and proceed at a fast pace with enthusiasm and energy.
- 意味: 何かを始める際に、迅速かつ意欲的に進めること。
- Similar expressions: "Hit the ground", "Get off to a good start"
- Example: The new team was eager to hit the ground running on their first project.
Drop the ball
- Meaning: To make a mistake or fail to do something, especially when it is your responsibility.
- 意味: 特に自分の責任で何かを失敗すること。
- Similar expressions: "Mess up", "Fail to deliver"
- Example: I really dropped the ball on that presentation; I forgot to include the key data.
Don’t sweat it
- Meaning: Don’t worry about it; it's not a big deal.
- 意味: 心配しないで; 大したことではない。
- Similar expressions: "No worries", "It's all good"
- Example: If you miss the deadline, don’t sweat it; we can always adjust the schedule.
Keep your eye on the prize
- Meaning: To remain focused on the goal or objective, especially in the face of challenges.
- 意味: 特に困難に直面しているときに、目標や目的に集中し続けること。
- Similar expressions: "Stay focused", "Keep your focus"
- Example: During the tough training sessions, I always keep my eye on the prize: winning the championship.
Butt of the joke
- Meaning: The person who is the target of a joke or ridicule.
- 意味: ジョークや嘲笑の対象となる人。
- Similar expressions: "Punchline", "Target of ridicule"
- Example: He was the butt of the joke after tripping during his speech.
Roll with the punches
- Meaning: To adapt to difficult circumstances; to be flexible and resilient.
- 意味: 難しい状況に適応すること; 柔軟で回復力があること。
- Similar expressions: "Go with the flow", "Adapt to changes"
- Example: In the fast-paced world of business, you have to roll with the punches to succeed.
Cherry on top
- Meaning: An additional benefit or positive aspect that makes a good situation even better.
- 意味: 良い状況をさらに良くする追加の利点やポジティブな側面。
- Similar expressions: "Icing on the cake", "Bonus"
- Example: Winning the award was great, but the recognition from my peers was the cherry on top.